Since 2017, sustainability enthusiasts around the world have joined the Plastic Free Foundation on Social Media to promote "plastic free July." Think, Whole30 elimination diet, but with plastic.

So this July, challenge yourself to limit the amount of plastic you use and purchase. We're not all perfect (even I have my weaknesses... cough. berries), but if we all at least tried to reduce our plastic, we could make quite a difference.

In case you don't know where to start, here are a few easy ways to say no to plastic this July. You've probably read this before, or not, but either way give it a shot!

1. Carry a water bottle. EVERYWHERE.

Swell water bottle and Miir coffee mug.

This is one of those suggestions you see all the time, and the first thing I started doing. You will NEVER find me without my trusty (and quite banged up) Swell Bottle. My criteria were simply for an insulated, steel bottle with a screw on lid. The latter was because I needed the convenience of being able to throw it in a bag without worrying about spills. Because we are all on the run and can't always balance a cup while trying to carry all our grocery bags up to our apartment at once. Anyone else?

2. BYO grocery bags

Again, these things are EVERYWHERE. When I was trying to make this a habit, every time I forgot my bags I had to buy one in the store. Which means, I now have a car full of reusable grocery bags. And yes, after some time, I finally started remembering my bags.

Pro Tip: If you want to go one step further and avoid the plastic-y reusable bags that are in most stores, I recommend canvas bags. You can find them on Amazon for pretty reasonable prices, AND if them get dirty, you can wash them! Some of them even have cute graphics and sayings on them.

3. Shop bulk items (in your own bags of course)

My favorite aisle at Whole Foods.

Flour, sugar, coffee, tea, spices, trail mix, candy... want me to keep on going? Find a store near you that has a bulk section. It will change your life. Stores like Sprouts, Central Market, and Whole Foods have glorious bulk sections you can shop instead of buying those same products in packages. 

Pro Tip: Bring your own containers! I use my kitchen scale at home to weigh my mason jars and other containers and put that tare weight on them. This allows your cashier (if they are well trained) to subtract that tare weight from the weight of the product you are purchasing. I have some canvas bags (from Amazon) that already had the tare weights on the tags. Or for things like honey and fresh ground peanut butter I take mason jars.

4. Avoid fast food.

I know, I know, it's convenient. And cooking takes a lot of effort (trust me, I have my days). But fast food restaurants can be big plastic offenders. Instead, maybe just treat yourself to a meal at a restaurant and eat with real silverware. It will taste better, and probably be a healthier option anyway. Beware of the straws though!

Pro Tip: Traveling and need a caffeine fix? Bring your own mug. I bought a Miir coffee mug on a work trip in Portland last year and now that bad boy is attached to my hip. It's small and easy to pack AND I get a discount at Starbucks for bringing my own cup ;)

5. Buy Bar Soap

How could we ever forget that bar soaps can be just as fabulous smelling as body gels? Growing up I had a thing for Bath and Body Works. To this day there are still traces of my body spray addiction in my bathroom cabinet. BUT the good news is that it has been over a year since I bought any bath gel or body spray, instead I have become a bar soap connoisseur. They smell amazing and are much more affordable!

6. DIY it!

Sometimes it is fun to make your own product. So far I have made my own laundry detergent, facial mist, moisturizer, and household cleaner! Pinterest is a haven for ideas and recipes, so knock yourself out. It's super easy to do and can make great gifts!

If we all tried one thing on this list our small splash could become a wave. Perfection is impossible, so don't stress yourself out. If you have to buy something in plastic, at least do your part and recycle it properly.

Also, quick PSA for the summer vacation season, if you pack it in, pack it out!


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