Freezing Time

know that there always comes a point in ones life/travels where it is time for them to move on. Time to close this chapter. Time to take on the next adventure that lies just around the corner. But honestly, right now I just want to freeze time. 

Sloth inside La Ruka Hostel

I want to capture all those special little moments I've had with my friends here so that I can keep them forever. 

Pirate Trivia - Tasty Waves Cantina

I want to be able to go back to those nights I tore up the dance floor at The Lazy Mon, rocked an air band rendition of Journey's epic anthem Don't Stop Believing at Tasty Waves, or just spent my afternoons with the best of friends out at Playa Cocles.  

Karaoke Night - Tasty Waves Cantina

There have been so many times I've said, "Remember this moment" in the back of my mind. Like the times I would see my friends after a long time apart and get the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek you could imagine. Like sitting outside TW with friends just talking, having some beers, and making music. Or even getting late night pizza at Pizza "Baracha" and then riding home in the pouring rain. 

I'm sensing a pattern here.. Friends.

Can we freeze time yet?

Some moments and memories really do live on forever. And there are times I will never forget. Like the day I conquered my fear and swam out to Isla Cocles and jumped off of a 40ish foot cliff into the Caribbean Sea. Or the time all the TW crew came to Community Karma Yoga at Om after a day of day drinking at the waterfall. Those images will be burned into my brain forever, but it was by far the best yoga class I've ever taken!

Celebrations after the cliff jump

I've faced my fears and challenged myself in so many ways. This place has changed me. These people have made a lasting impact on my life. 

Pirate Trivia - Tasty Waves Cantina

We are such a band of misfits. That couldn't describe us any better. We are all a little bit weird, and yea, maybe we do like a good party. But I know from experience that these people will take care of me when I need them. 

Pirate Trivia - Tasty Waves Cantina

I'm going to miss these people like crazy. Puerto Viejo will always be here, but it's my friends who have made those moments into moments I want to freeze and keep forever. You know who you are.

I've met some of the most empowered women out here and I've become one myself. There must be something in the water... Or maybe it's the Guaro?

Girls night at my house.

I know that we can't actually freeze time. And I am ready to see what is next for me, but that's not to say this transition isn't going to be hard.

"But there comes a time, not too long after the glory days have ended, that we need to put them aside and move on to something else. If those life experiences were really so great, shouldn't they provide motivation for greater challenges?... When we choose to willingly let go of those times, we're not really saying farewell - we couldn't forget them if we tried." Wise words from Chris Guillebeau in a book that has helped me in more ways than one. 

Everyone goes through this at some point. Graduation. Moving for a new job. Ending a relationship. Whatever the reason for this new beginning there is always something to take from it. Even if it is just learning that Captain Morgans is bad news for you or to always remember to keep your mouth closed while riding your bike.. Whatever the lesson, take it, keep it, use it. And respect the glory days for all that they were.

Pirate Trivia - Tasty Waves Cantina

I don't know, I think pictures freeze time pretty well, don't you? 

Some moments, some places, and some friends make a lasting impact on your soul, freezing that moment or that place or that person into your heart forever. Freezing time. 

(Photo cred for this gorgeous one goes to my friend Taylor Murray, love you chica! xx)


  1. Blaire! This is awesome! So many good memories and always more to make. I know you're going to be wonderful at whatever you end up doing next, and yes, while you can't freeze time, Puerto Viejo will always be here, and while some of the friends might move on to other places, we will always have these moments, and we will always have the chance to make more moments and memories and keep loving and living!


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