Save the penguins!

It's been quite some time since I've felt inspired to write and publish a blog, but guess what?!?

I have found inspiration!


Do you remember the girl from several years ago who was in the news because of the minuscule amount of trash she produced in 5 years? The one that all of our eyes bug out because we make 10x that amount of trash in just one day?

This girl?

Well her name is Lauren Singer, and I want to be her when I grow up.

She has an awesome blog, Trash is for Tossers, and business, Package Free Shop, which have both inspired me to try going trash free!

So I'm going to give it the old college try. I know that I can't make an immediate change, but I can take small, intentional steps in the right direction.

All it takes is seeing video clips like this one to make me seriously reconsider my purchasing habits:

I feel like I need to save those penguins! I'd say they could move in with me, but I don't do well in the cold so... time to save the penguins one plastic bottle at a time!

Current state of my trash:

Because I know you're dying to know.

Currently, I am proud to say that I am an avid recycler. And by that I mean, since I live in an apartment that does not have a recycling program, I drive my recycling to the nearest community drop-off (approx. 10 miles). Most of the things that end up in my trash can are things like food scraps, paper towels, snack wrappers, etc. 

I have some work to do.

So here's my plan:

  1. Clean out my home of unnecessary items and recycle them properly.
  2. Start making conscious shopping decisions i.e. try not to buy ANYTHING that comes in plastic or that funky plastic wrapping. (Side note: I want to tackle plastic first as cardboard, paper, glass, and aluminum are easier to recycle, re-purpose, or compost.)
  3. Slowly replace my plastic household items with biodegradable versions like my toothbrush and dish brush.
  4. Start making my own household cleaning supplies as I use up my current stock.

I think that's a decent start, don't you? I already see several things sitting around me that are going to get the boot. Starting with this ridiculous amount of recycling currently in my trunk waiting to be dropped off.

Hey, don't judge, I'm saving the penguins!

Anybody with me?

Catch me back in a couple weeks to see how I'm doing. 

✌❤ Pura Vida!


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