Life in the Jungle

It is now 2014. I still can’t believe it.

As I sit in my new “Jungle House,” completely disconnected, I really cannot believe this is my life right now.. Out here I have no wi-fi, no A/C, no hot water, yes I do have electricity and running water, though other so-called luxuries are lacking. But frankly, it’s not that bad. And I have to say… I kind of like it.
Honestly, I was quite nervous the first night. Up until now, I have never even lived by myself in the states, and now I’m out in the jungle of Costa Rica on my own. Talk about a challenge. The first night was kind of hard for me because I’m used to at least being able to watch Netflix or check Facebook when I got bored, but out here it’s only me and my thoughts. Let’s just say I’ve already finished one book… and I only brought 5.

It really is nice though. The property is absolutely beautiful. Very secluded. Many people today are afraid to be left alone with their own thoughts. And it is kind of scary at first, but after a while you get used to it. Out here I can just sit and think, or nature watch (this morning I watched a pack of squirrels play in the trees), or read, or write. Heck, sometimes I even sing. My book may finally get written living out here. Not to mention, you will get many more blog posts out of me!

When the sun rises in the morning (around 5:30 am), I am wake to the sound of howler monkeys and roosters crowing. I sleep to the sounds of cicadas and crickets in the jungle and I have access to organic bananas and plantains and free range eggs in my neighbor’s farm. Though this place is much farther from town than I had originally wanted (a 30 minute bike ride) I may stay here for a bit just to see how it goes. 

Anyway, I am officially back in Costa Rica for another 4 months or so in the Puerto Viejo area. I know I’ve probably said it before, but this place is absolutely insane. I have only been here for about a week and am already finding it hard not to go out with friends every night of the week. I have officially joined the wolf pack. As this is a very popular vacation spot, it always seems to be someone’s last night in town, birthday, anniversary, or other reason to celebrate. I’m sure you can see how that would be difficult to turn down.

This year will be very exciting for me though. Not only am I living close to one of my favorite spots in Costa Rica, but I will be working on my Field Experience for grad school with the Camara de Turismo del Caribe Sur (aka the Tourism Chamber for the Southern Caribbean Region of Costa Rica).

This position is right up my alley. I will get to work with local business owners and tourism aficionados on building their chamber as well as increasing the “right” kind of tourism for the region. This area of Costa Rica is very popular for the backpackers. It is right on the way to and from Panama and thus receives many tourists passing through. Many of whom end up staying a little longer than expected. Once here, no one really wants to leave. 

Needless to say, I am extremely excited to see what these next few months have in store for me. My friends out here are absolutely amazing and welcomed me with hugs and kisses the day I returned. 

It's good to be home :) 


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