Southern Comfort Zone

Flying to Costa Rica today I definitely did get a little sad. Just the initial idea of leaving Texas, my home for the last 23 years of my life, was difficult to accept. But then, in that same moment, I understood that I would always be able to come back. Texas will always be there and my friends and family will always welcome me home. Even though I'm in a new country and culture, I will always be a Texan at heart and no matter how far I travel out of my "Southern Comfort Zone" (thanks Brad Paisley), I know that I can always go back.

This experience will allow me to grow in ways I never thought possible. It is already testing my patience and ability to adapt to a different culture. For instance, our hotel for the next few nights give uses actual keys, not electronic cards, and the rooms don't automatically have AC. Apparently the sun rises around 4:30 in the morning and nighttime begins around 5:30pm. Wireless internet access is also patchy and hard to come by. But all these things are miniscule in comparison to the experience I am gaining. Tomorrow the real fun begins.

Today is just the beginning. Costa Rica awaits. Here's to a year full of excitement and growth!


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