Since 2017, sustainability enthusiasts around the world have joined the Plastic Free Foundation on Social Media to promote " plastic free July ." Think, Whole30 elimination diet, but with plastic. So this July, challenge yourself to limit the amount of plastic you use and purchase. We're not all perfect (even I have my weaknesses... cough. berries), but if we all at least tried to reduce our plastic, we could make quite a difference. In case you don't know where to start, here are a few easy ways to say no to plastic this July. You've probably read this before, or not, but either way give it a shot! 1. Carry a water bottle. EVERYWHERE. Swell water bottle and Miir coffee mug. This is one of those suggestions you see all the time, and the first thing I started doing. You will NEVER find me without my trusty (and quite banged up) Swell Bottle . My criteria were simply for an insulated, steel bottle with a screw on lid. The latter was because I neede...