Lucky Girl

I live in paradise. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life. And no, I haven't found love down here (insert eye roll).. Unless you consider my love for this place and the friends I have found in it. Because, that I have found. I don't know what I did right in my life, but somehow I ended up in one of the most beautiful and friendly communities in Central America. I feel so unbelievably blessed I cannot even put it into words. There are many ups and downs to this place though. Yes, the natural beauty and vibes are intoxicating. But life here is not for the faint at heart. Spending a short time here may not seem like enough, but an extended period can be too much for some people. It is very easy to just get lost in the everyday parties and celebrations and completely forget about work and sleeping. This I have learned from experience. Managing time and sleep is extremely important. The people who call this place home have it down to an art. ...