A bit of light reading

Since I have been down here I have had a lot (and I mean A LOT) of time to read. So far I've blown through almost 4 books, and I've only been back for about 5 weeks.. That's a lot of reading. A friend had suggested I read the book The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau. The tag line alone reads "Set your own rules, live the life you want and change the world." Sounds like my kind of book. And no, it's not one of those annoying self-help books, I'd say it is more inspirational and empowering.. I've been into books like this lately. This book really made me stop and think what would truly make me happy. Since moving to Costa Rica last year I have constantly been worried about what I will do after I graduate. Will I be able to find a job? What do I actually want to do? Where do I want to live? All of these questions have been piling up in the back of my head and stressing me out. And I've been updating my LinkedIn profile and apply...